What Kind of Sugar is This?
January 4, 2016The demand for sugar produced the plantation, an enterprise motivated by its proprietor’s desire for profit and placed at the service of the international market Europe was organizing. Internally, however—since it was to a considerable extent self-sufficient—the plantation was feudal in many important aspects, and its labor force consisted mainly of slaves. Thus three distinct […]
Read MoreCompulsions of Pride
August 3, 2015Rolando B. Rosler, Figure Drawing “Happy Pride” is a phrase that will, no doubt, be constantly, casually passed around this weekend. Many of us may even participate in its circulation. But, what is it that we wish when we wish another a “happy pride”? Conversely, as the receiver of the well-wish, to what are we […]
Read MoreFuture Living
March 22, 2015After the Korean War, when my father returned to us and I was eight, my parents moved to Colorado Springs to live in a housing project called Stratton Meadows, a name that signified that the land there was once beautiful. — Linda Hogan My project takes inspiration from annie ross’ art series Happy Birthday Super […]
Read MoreThoughts on annie ross’ Happy Birthday, Super Cheaper
March 2, 2015I’m not skilled at crochet; my partner, Mathew, however, is—having chained grinning lemons, animated slices of cake, and a small Totoro. And in our house, there are small beings—not unlike those found by annie ross—who huddle together on bookshelves and window ledges. It will be no surprise to you that I tried my hand at […]
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